Group LCV

The Fundamentals of the LCV Group

The association Côté Vacances (LCV), created in 2009, aims to become one of the leading management groups of tourism residences in difficulty in Metropolitan France by: Being inspired by associative and participative values. Targeting the success of the economic and social project of the management of the confided properties.

Special targeting of residences: those facing difficulties, particularly in the context of tax exemption programs.

In which case to appeal to the Association Loisirs Côté Vacances? 

The Leisure Côté Vacances adventure must belong to those who are its actors, group employees and investors!

Clear and transparent institutional management, with which investors are associated. Indeed, it is the presence in the share capital of the operating company of lessor investors that guarantees this. objective. The understanding and the objective acceptance of the investors of the questioning of the dream that was sold to them when the property was acquired. The need for investors to remain united and supportive in action, at risk of seeing their residence, therefore their investment break down in time. The need to establish a lasting and serene relationship of trust with the teams of the LCV group which are in charge of the management of the residences entrusted to them. The presence of investors on the Board of Directors of the LCV Group guarantees the collective interest.

Buying your property

You bought a property in a condominium

Renting your property

Now an owner, you understand that what was sold to you during the acquisition of the property does not reflect reality: you cannot rent your property

Have you decided to join the LCV group?

Via a commercial lease, you trust us, we manage your condominium in order to operate it as a hotel residence with the aim of paying you rent. An association of co-owners is formed and represents up to 30% of the capital of LCV

The partnership, in transparency and in confidence, with investors as keystone of Groupe LCV

All our actions and the LCV Group’s corporate philosophy are based on trust with the lessor investors. Our aim is to achieve a healthy and balanced management of the residences entrusted to us, in compliance with the regulatory and fiscal constraints imposed on us. In terms of profitability, we need to be listening, transparent, honest and objective.

These requirements require a policy of constant exchange and information with investors, to enable them to appreciate the real economic performance of their investment. Indeed, what determines the level of profitability of a business asset is its economic performance and not the desire for profitability (which could be legitimate elsewhere) that one would like to see it reach.

The presence of the investors’ association in the capital of the operating companies, the Conference of Presidents of investor associations, investors who sit on the Board of Directors and form the Strategic Committee, are all proofs of our desire to be part of a long-lasting and shared relationship of trust. The LCV adventure must belong to those who are the actors, employees of the group and investors.

and participative Values

Clear and
transparent management

Lasting and serene
relationship of trust

Constant exchange
and information policy

A pooling which favors the optimization of the main processes

Development :

The residences managed by the group must be the objective and uncompromising showcase of our know-how, with their strengths and difficulties. If the development of LCV involves the management of new establishments, this necessary step must not be to the detriment of the existing one. We must be intransigent about respecting the fundamentals, which drive us and refuse to compromise us by accepting new residences whose sustainability would not be assured in time. The determination of profitability must be the result of a serious study and not the search for an “eldorado”!

Sales :

The deployment of a reservation system common to all of our establishments (Résalys) and appropriate “Yield Management” tools, placed under the control of our Sales Administrator, allows us to be present on almost all business partners in France and Europe. The centralization of our sales also allows us to have an efficient reporting tool and negotiate lower costs for the corresponding partner commissions.

Purchases (Mercuriale) :

We have started a process of selection and collective bargaining since the group was created: energy supplier, telephony, banking and insurance, laundry, maintenance (elevators, fire safety, purchases of materials, etc.). Thus, this approach allows us to optimize the costs and / or services of our supplier providers. This regrouping strategy is facilitated in geographical locations with a strong presence (Lourdes).

A social and solidarity-based human resources policy

The legal form of the Association Loisirs Loisirs Vacances (Association of 1901 General Interest, non-profit sector, the services being reserved for the exclusive use of its subsidiaries) allows it to benefit, from a social point of view, the state far more important than those granted to the traditional commercial companies of the merchant sector:

Thus, on the basis of 1.6 times the minimum wage, the reimbursement of wages and social charges varies from 50 to 80% (depending on the nature of the contracts), where they are limited to 35% for other economic actors.

Thus, each residence managed by an “ad hoc” SARL:

  • Has one employee: Property manager
  • and welcomes other employees (Receptionists, Housemaids, Technicians) , who are employees of the Association LCV and who are made available to the properties.

This social and solidarity policy, in addition to its economic interest, also makes it possible to have versatile and interchangeable teams: This is the case in Lourdes, where the staff intervenes in the four residences managed on this destination. We also attach particular importance to the training of our employees: the sharing of training budgets (FAFIH), leads us each year to conduct training activities for the Group’s permanent staff (headquarters staff and heads of establishments), but also in the direction of the flexible staff, to whom we propose to follow an individualized training course aimed at obtaining a qualification recognized by the applicable collective agreement (HCR).

An organization that allows the pooling of scarce and sensitive resources

An organization optimized to weigh as little as possible on the operation of residences!

A non-capitalist holding company, the Association Loisirs Côté Vacances, helps to pool rare and sensitive resources:

  • General direction
  • Administration & Finance
  • Human resources
  • Commercial and Reservation Department
  • Back Office Investors
  • Finance management
  • Development

The pooling of these services allows a substantial saving for the subsidiaries, whose missions are very operational:

  • Managing the institution, teams
  • Ensuring customer satisfaction
  • Developing proximity marketing